Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Week 25: February 17, 2017

Happy Friday!!! 

Delijah Walton has accepted the Head Start position at Bel Air ES for the 2016-17 SY. Her start date will be Monday, February 27, 2017;

- Mrs. Hammel has graciously developed a 'Bel Air Digital Resources: Databases, E-books a& apps' presentation. She introduces some new resources and reminds us of others that we have available for staff and students. https://pwcps-my.sharepoint.com/personal/hammelca_pwcs_edu/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?docid=1d47c9de2aa1641c5a1540627d2470a8e&authkey=ATTYDcSRLz_XDwJgAmDDjTQ

- Staff picture will take place next Friday at 8:30 a.m. in the cafeteria. We will be wearing our Bel Air Staff Shirts (received this school year) and jeans. 

Leadership Opportunities:
- I truly thank the following staff members for attending the MAP Continuum training session on Tuesday, Jan. 31st; Mrs. Hoover, Ms. Moore, Mr. Fain, Mrs. Hulse and Mrs. Farrell. We learned some new tools and are looking forward to grade level conversations to help remediate and enrich our students.

Teacher Leaders and Building Leadership Capacity - IV
Classroom Supporter: Classroom supporters work inside classrooms to help teachers implement new ideas, often by demonstrating a lesson, co-teaching, or observing and giving feedback. Blase and Blase (2006) found that consultation with peers enhanced teachers' self-efficacy (teachers' belief in their own abilities and capacity to successfully solve teaching and learning problems) as they reflected on practice and grew together, and it also encouraged a bias for action (improvement through collaboration) on the part of teachers. (p. 22)

Marcia asks Yolanda for classroom support in implementing nonlinguistic representation strategies, such as graphic organizers, manipulatives, and kinesthetic activities (Marzano et al., 2001). Yolanda agrees to plan and teach a lesson with Marcia that integrates several relevant strategies. They ask the principal for two half-days of professional release time, one for learning more about the strategy and planning a lesson together, and the other for co-teaching the lesson to Marcia's students and discussing it afterward.

Highlights of the Week:
SOL Remediation: Week #1 is complete! Thank you to the instructors; Ms. Jewell, Ms. Williams, Ms. Terezon, Ms. Fanto, Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Fiorio, Mrs. Findley, Ms. Morrison, Mrs. Peters, Ms. Harrington and Mrs. Dunleavy. Thank you to Mrs. Quattrone (for support and direction), Mrs. Carter (for securing snacks), Mrs. Chestnut (for supply ordering), Mrs. Slaughter & Mrs. Ramos (for being absolutely amazing with the copying, distributing, documenting and organizing all permission slips! Thank you, Ms. Erney, for taking on the task of SOL Coordinator! 

Students as Learners:
 During 2nd Grade’s Instructional Rounds, we observed students identifying continents as they begun their Geography Unit.

-Elmer V. read to me and used fluency, intonation and was invested in the reading of his graphic novel. I love hearing the students read to me. They surprise me when I ask about their favorite genre or author. They open up to me about why they love reading or embrace the encouragement I offer to get them to read daily! Thank you, Mrs. Brown, for allowing Elmer to earn time to read to me!

Important Dates:
- February 20th: NO SCHOOL - Presidents' Day
- February 21st: McDonald out (Mr. Provencio or Mrs. Ellis will cover)
                      : SOL Remediation
- February 22nd:  SOL Remediation
- February 23rd:
- February 24th: Staff Picture @ 8:30 a.m. in Cafeteria
                        : Job Fair – Quattrone & McDonald out (Mrs. Otterblad will cover)

My Current Study:

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