Thursday, September 22, 2016

Week 2: September 9, 2016

Good afternoon All,

Whoa!!! What a week!!! 

You all are stretching my learning and leadership capacity and I appreciate you for it!!

Although it was a short week, it seemed to be double the length of time. 

Rest this weekend...recuperate and come back energized on Monday! Be safe and enjoy! 

Highlights for the Week:

- Mrs. Halsey has been chosen as our first 'PTA Teacher of the Month'. Please join me in celebrating her and her amazing accomplishments. We appreciate you Mrs. Halsey!; 
- First round of Team Meetings with Admin went quite well...I look forward to meeting with you all weekly;
- All K-2 Educators logged into PALS to set up their classrooms on Monday...amazing attention to detail;
- Successful Fire Drill #2 and Lockdown Drill #1;
- The kickoff PTA Meeting of the 2016-17 school year was great. There's a lot planned and with some new recognition activities;
- Ms. Gandee's official return date is Monday, September 12th;
- Learned about the Intervention Meeting Process (it's not taught until it's learned);
- Head Start began this week; 
- Despite being cussed at by a parent, we were able to come to a mutual respect and understanding that resulted in her apology; 
- Standing behind a teacher's actions when a parent tried to correct and bully them; I will always support...wrong is wrong & right is right; 
- Although it is not a highlight, I do wish to thank Ms. Leann Strang for being available to assist us as we prepared for and opened Bel Air E.S. for this 2016-17 school year. She was such an amazing help and she will be missed (her ROP time is complete with us); 
- Ms. Rucker's problem solving for 5th grade breakfast & STRINGS instruction; 
- Ms. Marshall then took Ms. Rucker's suggestion and developed a tangible solution with 5th Grade STRINGS ID Cards...WOO HOO! 
- Began the review of Lesson Plans;
- 100% of students made it home safely each school day! 


Upcoming Events: 
Mrs. McDonald out in the a.m. for Principal Meeting; Ms. Otterblad will provide coverage (Sept. 12th)
- Staff Meeting (Sept. 12th @ 4:00 p.m.)
- Mrs. McDonald out on Personal Leave; Ms. Otterblad will provide coverage (Sept. 13th)
- Fire Drill (Sept. 14th @ 9:30 a.m.)
- Mrs. Quattrone out at KLC (Sept. 16th)
- School Gathering at Bahama Breeze (Sept. 16th @ 4:30 p.m.)

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