Friday, July 28, 2017

Summer Update: July 28, 2017

Summer Update

It has been a busy summer as we prepare for the students to return on Monday, August 28th.

-All lead teachers are expected to touch base with their new team member(s) by August 4th to introduce yourself and to begin team building. Mrs. Rivers and Mrs. Gandee has met with the new teachers joining us in our new Autism and ED programs.

-The Master Schedule Meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 9th @ 10:00 a.m. I have the ‘Schedule Input’ forms and those who have shared interest in helping to update the master schedule, I look forward to seeing you soon.

-Over the next few weeks I ask that you reflect on your goals and expectations for this upcoming school year to prepare for our individual touch-base meetings & PGP conferences.

-Those attending the EEE Conference on next Thursday, August 3rd, please meet us in Colgan H.S.’s auditorium. If someone arrives early, please hold 7 seats, THANKS!

-We will begin planting the seeds for Standards Based Grading, in September 2017. Standards Based Grading measures students’ proficiency on well-defined course objectives. Students are given the opportunity to retest (after being retaught) to determine mastery; score earned is the grade. Their grade is not averaged but the grade that shows mastery is the one recorded. We will chat more about this in the fall!

Highlights of the Week:
-Installation Update: The Project Manager has shared that the contractors are working 12 hour days - 7 days a week to get us into school by the end of August 14th’s week. Our building will be clean, creating a healthier environment for our staff and students.

-We are fully staffed:

Staffing Updates:
Maureen Dunleavy *
Marianne Fiorio
Stephanie Terezon
Suzette Williams
Dawn Elmes
Janet Hoover *
Kristen Mucica *
Jacqueline Erney
Gina Fanto
Gina Haefele *
Rosa Rosas *
Toni Brown *
Angela Moore
Gayle Stengl
ED K-1
Lauren Hogue
Amanda Jewell *
Clifton Palmer
Taryn Harrington
Carrie Roop *
Brittany Thomas
Delijah Walton
Andrea Mansfield
Tiffany Worrell
TA: Alaysia Marshall
ED 2-3
Katie Rivers
TA: Kelly Gandee
Lindsey Owrey
TA: Rasheeda Ogburn
Monica Findley
Christa Kempf
Marla Kozlak *
Andrea Krisko
Margaret Jones
Lisa Peters *
Title I
Front Office
Kathleen Farrell
Erin Hulse *
Caden Palmer
PALS Tutor: Betsi South
Heewong Chung
Casey Cornell
Cari Hammel *
Christopher Rinker
Counselor: Rebecca Marshall
LMA: Tracy Beach
PE TA: Donna Fayne
STRINGS: Lauren Rucker
Roseann Chestnut
Nurse Ruth Kuzemchak
Jenny Portillo
Ann Quattrone
Rebeca Ramos – Andrade
Rebecca Slaughter*

-SOL Proficiency:
VA Studies: 94.12%

Important Dates: 
·         July 31st:
o   Title I Schoolwide Planning Meeting @ KLC @ 8:30 a.m.
·         August 2nd:
o   PBIS Meeting @ 9:00 a.m. @ Fitzgerald E.S.
·         August 3rd:
o   EEE Conference @ 8-12:30 p.m. @ Colgan H.S.
o   PTA Board Meeting @ 3:00 p.m. @ Fitzgerald E.S.
·         August 7th:
o   SPOT Reading Workshop Training
·         August 8th:
o   SPOT Reading Workshop Training
·         August 9th:
o   Master Schedule Meeting @ 10:00 a.m. @ Fitzgerald E.S.
·         August 10th:
o   Leadership Team Meeting @ 9:00 a.m. @ Fitzgerald E.S.
·         August 17th:
o   CONNECT Day 1: School-based Orientation
·         August 18th:
o   CONNECT Day 2: Orientation Conference
o   Placement Letters mailed
·         August 21st:
o   Welcome Back Staff

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Week 42: June 15, 2017

Happy Wednesday!

Staff, thank you for such a wonderful year full of challenges, celebrations, stressors and victories! I’ve learned so much from you and I hope that you feel validated and valued! Have a beautiful summer! Get rest…relax…recharge! See you in August!!!
- All staff that will be leaving Bel Air Elementary needs to check out with Mrs. McDonald. No items purchased with Bel Air funds are to be removed from the school.

-Be sure to watch the video and complete the ‘Summer Break Shutdown Checklist’ sent to you by Energy Management. Although we are out for the summer, you are still accountable to complete these items.

-At dismissal on the last day of school, please join me outside for a student send-off with bubbles! I will have the buses wait until we can line up along the bus circle and then leave blowing bubbles at the students. We will have the buses cycle through again and then off the students go!!! “Last call for buses…”

Highlights of the Week:
-Phenomenal Awards Ceremonies held on Tuesday and Wednesday!  

-Congratulations to Ms. Cornell and Ms. Fayne, along with our entire ENCORE Team for hosting our MAT Ball Tournament! Fun was had by all!!!

Staffing Updates:
Maureen Dunleavy *
Marianne Fiorio
Stephanie Terezon
Suzette Williams
Dawn Elmes
Janet Hoover *
Kristen Mucica *
Jacqueline Erney
Gina Fanto
Gina Haefele *
Rosa Rosas *
Toni Brown *
Angela Moore
ED K-1
Lauren Hogue
Amanda Jewell *
Clifton Palmer
Taryn Harrington
Carrie Roop *
Brittany Thomas
Delijah Walton
Andrea Mansfield

Tiffany Worrell
TA: Sperling Frabutt
ED 2-3
Katie Rivers
TA: Kelly Gandee
TA: Rasheeda Ogburn
Monica Findley
Christa Kempf
Marla Kozlak *
Andrea Krisko
Margaret Jones
Lisa Peters *
Title I
Front Office

Kathleen Farrell
Erin Hulse *
Caden Palmer
PALS Tutor: Betsi South
Heewong Chung
Casey Cornell
Cari Hammel
Christopher Rinker *
Counselor: Rebecca Marshall
LMA: Tracy Beach
PE TA: Donna Fayne
STRINGS: Lauren Rucker
Roseann Chestnut
Nurse Ruth Kuzemchak
Jenny Portillo
Ann Quattrone
Rebeca Ramos – Andrade
Rebecca Slaughter

Important Dates: 
o    June 15th:
§  Last Day of School – students dismissed at 12:15 p.m.
o    June 16th:
§  Checkout with Quattrone until 4:30 p.m.
§  Checkout with McDonald until 6:00 p.m.
o    June 17th:
§  Checkout with McDonald until 10:00 a.m.
§  Building open 9:00-3:00 p.m.
o    June 18th:
§  Checkout with McDonald at 2:00-3:00 p.m.
§  Building open 9:00-3:00 p.m.
o    June 19th:
Bel Air will be housed out of Fitzgerald E.S. until M

Friday, June 9, 2017

Week 41: June 9, 2017

Happy Friday!

-The 1st floor has done an amazing job with ensuring that the laptop carts and reading carts are being pulled into the classrooms after announcements. This is admin’s final announcement. We will be checking everyday next week…thank you for your attention and action to this expectation.

-School Supply Lists:
·         We have ordered glue sticks, hand sanitizer, tissues and ear buds for the 2017-18 school year.

-EVERYONE in JEANS for next week!!

-At dismissal on the last day of school, please join me outside for a student send-off with bubbles! Mrs. Kempf heard me talk about it earlier this week and produced a bag of bubbles to me the next day! Way to go, Mrs. Kempf!!!  I will have the buses wait until we can line up along the bus circle and then leave blowing bubbles at the students. We will have the buses cycle through again and then off the students go!!! “Last call for buses…”

Highlights of the Week:
- Ms. Amanda Jewell is the recipient of the 2017 PWCS Excellence in Science Education Award. She was nominated by our school’s Science Lead, Ms. Carrie Roop! GREAT JOB!!!

-Ms. Jewell hosted her Water Celebration with the students and it was a huge success!

-SOL Remediation Celebration #1: Monday, five students who earned Pass Advance on their SOLs were invited to a formal dinner sponsored by Chick-fil-A Lake Ridge. There they were seated, served, congratulated and awarded a laptop computer to acknowledge their hard work and dedication. Well done Josue, Daiana, Madina, Tatiana & Pedro!

-SOL Remediation Culmination Ceremony: On Tuesday we celebrated our students who participated in our SOL Remediation Program. The students enjoyed a light meal catered by Chick-fil-A and a presentation by the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Jr. and in collaboration with SPARK and Bridge the Gap students. Students from Graham Park M.S., Osbourn Park H.S. and Forest Park H.S. demonstrated how to take apart a computer and put it back together. Their knowledge and confidence had parents, teachers and students intrigued. 3rd & 4th Grade students and parents were blessed with a desktop computer and our 5th Graders were blessed with a laptop computer.

-Today, Mrs. Quattrone, Mr. Hicks and I took our Principal’s Honor Roll students to the PWCS Aquatics Center for a Pool Party. We wanted to celebrate the year-long accomplishment of earning straight A’s with a Pool Party. The students provided this incentive at our very first Administrative Assembly in September 2016. They asked…they shall receive!!!

-After the Pool Party, Administration hosted a Movie & Popcorn event for students who earned Principal’s Honor Honor, at least one quarter. Students enjoyed ‘The Secret Life of Pets’ (a huge thanks to Mrs. Kempf for getting the movies and for Mr. Kempf for bringing them past the school) while snacking on popcorn (Thanks Mrs. Rivers and Mrs. Gandee), Goldfish crackers, Fruit Snacks and Drinks. Well done students…well done! Thank you Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Beach for your assistance!

- The 4th & 5th Grade Dance was well executed! Memorable fun was had by ALL!!! What a phenomenal job Ms. Roop!!! Thank you to our Bel Air PTA for hosting such a great event! Thank you to our paparazzi, Mrs. Kempf, Ms. Mucica & Ms. Jackson; our beautiful servers, Mrs. Black, Mrs. Ewing, Mrs. Kozlak; our DJ, Mr. Rinker; our MC, Mr. Hicks; our Talent Scout, Ms. Jewell. If there's anyone missed...please charge it to my head and definitely not my heart!

Placement Meetings:
-          Please be sure to have the form completed, prior to the receiving team arriving, to ensure that heterogeneous grouping is occurring.
-          Spread out the classrooms on a table or desk (each class should be spread out in separate areas) one row boys and one row girls, so when we arrive we can look through each class.
-          No teacher names should be assigned to the classes, Mrs. Quattrone and I will complete that process.

Staffing Updates:
-Please join me in welcoming the following staff to our Bel Air Family:
                - Tiffany Worrell – ED Teacher
                - Lauren Hogue – 4th Grade Teacher
                - Rasheeda Ogburn – Autism TA


Important Dates: 
o    June 10th:
§  Bel Air will be open 9-3 – front door will be open
§  End of the Year Party @ 6:00 p.m.
o    June 11th:
§  Bel Air will be open 9-3 – front door will be open
o    June 12th:
§  McDonald out @ YFT Breakfast @ 8:30 a.m. – Otterblad to cover
§  SMASH Assembly @ 2:00 p.m.
§  1st/2nd Grade Placement Meeting @ 4:00 p.m.
o    June 13th:
§  Special Elections…Exercise your right to vote
§  2nd/3rd Grade Placement Meeting @ 8:00 a.m.
§  RIF Distribution & Summer Presentation
§  Kindergarten Promotion @ 2:00 p.m.
o    June 14th:
§  1st & 2nd Grade Awards & Picnics @ 10:00 a.m.
§  3rd & 4th Grade Awards & Picnics @ 2:00 p.m.
§  MAT Ball Tournament for 4th & 5th Grade – NO ENCOURE
§  5th Grade Promotion @ Gar-Field Sr. H.S. @ 6:30 p.m.
o    June 15th:
§  Report Cards Go Home
§  Last Day of School
o    June 16th:
§  Teacher Workday – OPTIONAL
§  Must be checked out on today!
o    June 17th:
§  Bel Air will be open 9-3 – front door will be open
o    June 18th:
§  Bel Air will be open 9-3 – front door will be open